Monday 21 December 2009

Coming up

The Lodge is having a short break over Christmas but will be back on January 6th with a special meeting when Bro. Kevin Thompson - Senior Deacon - will give a lecture on Burns as a Freemason.  This will describe Burns time in the Craft, the effect that had on his success and will mention some of his contemporaries and their influence on his writings.  It will be illustrated by some of Burns masonic songs and verse.

All masonic brethren very welcome.

Christmas Party!

The Lodge echoed to the sound of young people on Saturday 19th December when Santa paid his annual visit.  
Thirty two young relatives and friends had a great two hours in the afternoon which dancing, party games and of course, jelly and ice cream!   Bro Mike Ford PM was the chief organiser on the floor and Bro. K Thompson SD provided the music.  Thanks to all the brethren who contributed time and energy to this and to the parents and friends for coming along.